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A Farewell and Sending for our good friend, Will


I've been reading scripture lately and as I read about Jesus' ministry, I've noticed something: Jesus had a way of transforming "goodbye's" into "sendings".  When he leaves the disciples he doesn't just say goodbye, he leaves them with marching orders!  He equips them with reassurance (please read John 14 "for I go to prepare a place for you") and with purposes (please read Matthew 28 "Go into the world and make disciples of all the nations" or John 21 (Jesus addressing Peter at the resurrection breakfast with "Feed my sheep").

One of the most difficult aspects of being a church in one location is that we are always having people leave us.  People move, people take on new positions, people change vocations, people retire, people need to take care of family, and so they move!  And for those of us who stay, this can get really frustrating!  We have opened our hearts to these folks, invested in them, watched as they've grown, and been fed by that growth.  And it is only natural for us to feel a little jilted when they leave!  We will miss them!  We wonder what in the world we will do without them? 

But what Jesus teaches us is that however real those feelings are, there is something bigger going on here!  God is afoot here!  God is doing something wonderful and important.  God is bigger than just our little community, and if we embrace that, goodbye's can be transformed into sendings.

When someone we love leaves, we aren't just called to say a goodbye, we are called to send them forth with a blessing ("Hey, never forget that you are not alone out there.  You always have a place here at Bear Creek!") and with purpose!  In the case of purpose, it's not so much as naming that purpose for that person, like Jesus did, but instead reaffirming that purpose.  

This last week we said goodbye to our dear friend and minister of music and worship: Will Rand.  Will will be with us for the last time in this capacity this Sunday. And as we said goodbye to Will, there was and will continue to be tears.  One can't help but miss Will!  He is such a beloved child of God, and he has shared from his heart every Sunday, and that sharing has touched each of us.  So saying goodbye is so important here.   But, let's not make it only a goodbye.  Let's remember what the body of Christ is all about.  Let's remember our purpose!


Our purpose is to transform our "goodbye's" into "sendings"!  To send our dear friend Will out into the world with the reassurance that we are going with him in spirit and that we will always hold a place in our heart for him, and to reaffirm his new calling.  Will expressed it so well in our farewell.  He wants to be an agent of change in this world by using his music to heal the divide between humanity and creation.  He wants to use his music to make us more aware of global warming and to help us be a part of healing this earth's wound.  What a wonderful calling!  And isn't this cool, that we now will be a part of that healing ministry!  Will doesn't leave us, he takes us with us!  And wherever healing is begun in his music, a little part of us is included!

Will, go forth from Bear Creek, and do the good work God has given you.  Heal this broken world, and while you go out and do this sacred work, know that we've got your back and are pulling for you with every fiber of our being!  Go into this world and make disciples for the transformation and healing of this world! 

Your friend, always, Pastor Brook 

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