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Gate-Keepers or Grace-Givers


Can you give me permission to rant a bit?

Today’s news brings an interesting article about a 5-year-old who was allegedly removed from her school room because her parents are a same-sex couple. (Check out the story here: School removes 5-yr old) Upon reading of this story, I see right away that the school in which this child is attending is a Christian school. Of course! I roll my eyes in frustration and then I’m immediately reminded of something that I experienced about 20 years ago in my ministry. There was a pastor in the United Methodist church in the Dakotas who refused to baptize a baby because his mom was a lesbian.

My reaction to both events has been consistent. First, there’s a gnawing sense of nausea, the kind of nausea I get when I know something is just dead wrong. The kind of nausea I get when someone sucker punches me in the gut when I’m not ready. I often wonder if this sinking feeling I get in the very pit of my stomach might actually be the Holy Spirit speaking to me, telling me that something is wrong, wrong, wrong! Does anyone else experience this?

I must admit that when this happens, I have another reaction…maybe you’ve had this reaction too?

I don’t want to be a Christian anymore! I want to get a bumper sticker that says, “I’m not THAT kind of Christian!” I want to put out an add that says something like “Bear Creek United Methodist Church, the 'un-cola' church (do any of you remember the 7-up commercials?), the church for people that don’t want to be like THAT church…the one that kicks everyone out!” As someone recently put on their Facebook feed, “I feel like someone hijacked my Christian faith!”

And in some senses, they have! But I will also say this…we’ve let them! And I’m just tired of letting that happen anymore! I am furious that some of the folk who call themselves Christian have decided to be the “gate-keepers” in this world, instead of the “grace-givers”! I’m furious that this “loud” group of conservative Christians have decided that they can speak for all of us. I’m furious that our world has so bought-in to the Conservative Christian agenda, that they don’t realize that these folks don’t speak for all of us. But what I think I’m the most frustrated about is that too many of the “good guys and gals” have given up trying to state a more inclusive message out there!

The Christianity I believe in is not a narrow line that I’m guilted into adhering to out of fear! A narrow line I’m supposed to tuck my stomach in or change my sexual orientation in order to fit into. My understanding of the Christian faith is that it is a wide and open embrace from a loving God who doesn’t coerce us, but instead invites us to enter into. This is a place of grace that we want to enter because we are attracted to the amazing love that is at its very center.

Being a part of the LGBT+ community is not an abomination to our loving God, but NOT baptizing children because their parents are a same-sex couple IS AN ABOMINATION to our God. And so is kicking a child out of kindergarten for the same reason!

The church is first and foremost a place of grace, and if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to stand in the presence of our God at Bear Creek United Methodist Church. Why? Because I’m not perfect! Because I’m not washed clean! Because I and all of you aren’t either! We come to church to receive grace. We are called to go out into the world to be and give grace.

Please, please, please! Quit being the gatekeepers and join the real team…God’s Grace-givers! It’s so much more fun, life-giving, and soul-inspiring!

Your friend and pastor, on a bit of a grace-giving rant, Brook

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