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Ponderings and Prayers as I Open the Door to 2025


            Some doors are made of wood

  And some of fear.

             Inside, you hear

            The knocking, wonder: Should


            I open up to what I cannot see?

            Outside, you knock,

don’t try the lock,

            Think: What, who, might greet me?

                                          By Hans Ostrom

I learned it early, from a good friend, a UCC pastor originally from the East Coast. We were working together on a feeding ministry, and we were about to open the doors and let all the people in for a family style of charge. We were all excited about this new ministry we were embarking on, and I couldn’t wait to open the door.  But Steve, grabbed my hand just before I reached for the door and asked, “Can we pray first?” Later he shared that he did this same ritual every Sunday morning before he opened the doors to the church. He would pause and pray for everyone passing through these doors that they might somehow find grace and mercy and healing as they entered the doors to his church.

There was something about that gesture that resonated with me because that next Sunday morning, just as I was about to unlock the doors of the church, I found myself pausing just for a moment and praying; imagining all who might enter and giving each a blessing.

As I enter 2025, I find myself pausing in much the same way. On New Year’s Eve, I often pause for a moment and reflect upon all the people who have walked through “my doors” this past year. And ponder just how their presence has changed who I am. And as I ponder that I often find a smile stretching across my face as I think of all the blessings I’ve received from others.

This year, for instance, my son, Wes, has nurtured a relationship with a girlfriend named Madison. This year was the first time we “kept” Christmas with her and what a blessing she’s been.  She has so many gifts and talents. One I particularly love is that she loves to give out complements...who can beat that!  Another is that she is a gifted artist. She runs a bridal boutique in Ballard and specializes in hand-crafted wedding dresses. This Christmas she made a dress for Emerson. The next 3 days (she wore it constantly) we were gifted with a smiling Emerson spinning her way through the house smiling from ear to ear. Needless to say, the gift was a big hit.  What a blessing to have Madison walking through our doors in 2025!

And the same goes for Bear Creek UMC! This year we’ve brought in not only new staff, but we’ve had some wonderful people walk through our doors on Sunday and even choose to stay around!  Yesterday, for instance, I met with our new music director, Bathsheba Marcus, and had just the best of times co-creating with her about music and worship as we head into 2025.  Much of that time was spent strategizing about so many of you and how we can include you and your families more in what we do.

It's going to be a great year!  Our door will be graced by so many wonderful folks in 2025. I can’t wait for it all to unfold!  You never know who might be coming through that door this year! So exciting!

And as great as that all is, there is another part of me that is more than a little apprehensive as I open the door to 2025. Indeed, some of me, would rather just skip past this year and get on to 2026. If I’m honest, the guests that walk through our doors aren’t always welcome!  One of the things about having an open door is that we don’t always get a chance to choose who’s coming, through that door.

Cyndy’s family once had a distant cousin, “Cousin Jim” who showed up unexpectedly for their mother’s -funeral and didn’t leave for 3 months. He was kind of our family's version of Billy Carter. We always tried to figure out who finally broke down and offered to fix his broken-down motorcycle so he could head back to Arizona. I mean he was fun for a while, but...

As I look into 2025, I find myself more than a little weary of that “Cousin Jim” who seems to always come back and stay too long.  And I pray for people in our church who are hosting their own personal “Cousin Jim’s in the name of cancer, or depression, or addiction, or abuse, or divorce, or chronic pain. How can I (and we) walk with these folks in ways that lighten their burden like Jesus did when he said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

And so, as I open the door to 2025, I want you to know that I pray for you...each and every one of you...and hope and pray that no matter what comes your way in 2025, I am with you. And the love of Christ is with us all. May God give us the eyes to see her.

Your pastor and friend, eager and to embrace what will be in 2025, Brook

PS: And as I write this, I realize it's January 3rd and the door is already open!

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