So, I’ve never been at a United Methodist Church like Bear Creek UMC! It’s unique, just like every United Methodist Church is! Thank goodness we are not all the same! Wouldn’t that be boring! One of the unique parts of Bear Creek UMC’s history and tradition is that we celebrate Open Table (Holy Communion) ever Sunday! Every Sunday, no matter what, we offer folks a chance to come and receive God’s grace. Now listen, for some died in the wool United Methodists and “recovering Catholics” this is kind of throws people for a loop! What is it with Bear Creek and their obsession with Open Table!!?!
Well, this week I’ve been reading a book that Nicole Dibble sent my way called, The Turquoise Table. What a cool book. It’s the story of a woman, Kristin Schell, who decided to move her back yard out to her front yard! One day, while she was asking God for direction in her life, she got this idea of a neat way to meet her neighbors. She thought of all the things her family did in the backyard...BBQ’s, birthday parties, weddings, picnics, volleyball, brunches, and more...and begin to think about what would happen if she moved all of her backyard activities into the front yard and invited her neighbors to join her.
And so, she bought a picnic table online, painted it her favorite color (turquoise) and started an experiment. Her first experiment was simple. She put the new turquoise picnic table not in the backyard, but in the front. And then she went outside and sat on it. She brought some work, some games, a book, and a magazine, and just sat out there, hoping and praying someone might join her. And within 2 or 3 hours, guess what? Someone showed up. She met a new neighbor! And soon Kristin Schell had started a new movement. That turquoise picnic table became a meeting place for her neighborhood, a way to live out the Jesus’ commandment of “Loving Thy Neighbor.”
It all started with a challenge:
“In the beginning, the day the unpainted picnic table arrived at our house, I posed a hypothesis: What if we were to take all our backyard activities—our birthday parties, bubble blowing, messy art activities, barbecue suppers—and simply move them to the front yard? What would life look like if we lived as Front Yard People?”
Well, I’m officially challenging you and my church, Bear Creek UMC, to do the same! What would happen if our Open Table on Sunday Morning was put out in the front yard? What would happen if moved some of our ministries to the front yard? What would happen if we were especially adept at inviting people to our front yard tables who didn’t look like us? What would happen if we started showing up at other folks “front yard” events? What would happen if we not only had a Thanksgiving dinner inside, but had another out in the front yard? What would happen if Bear Creek’s fire pit wasn’t hidden back behind the church, but was instead in the front so everyone might see the invite of a warm fire and the welcome smile of a group of folks who just wanted to get to know you!?
I’m proposing that 2025 be the year that Bear Creek UMC makes a transition from back yard to front yard, to an inner sanctuary, to an open table we actually learn to take out to our neighbors.
If you are interested in trying this in your neighborhood or would like to dream with Pastor Brook on how we might learn to be a Front Yard church, email, or text me! And here’s my promise...I will pay for your picnic table if you are willing to give this a try!
PS: If you want to know how that might be front yard people...then come to our next Trunk or Treat event! That is the feel of a Front Yard Open Table event! Rain or is a big hit and fun as all get out!
Your friend and pastor, moving his table to the front yard, Brook
PS: If you want to learn more about how you could be a part of this Front Yard Movement check out this website: The Turquoise Table - The Turquoise Table