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Titus, Two "Barr's", and a Simple Act of Love


Sometimes it’s not what happens in church that matters, but what happens after church.  Especially when it’s Daylight Savings Time Sunday.  Most of us have phones that do all that for us now, but this Sunday set in early March always catches someone off guard!  Last Sunday, we were just about to wrap up our church fellowship when, out of the blue, there appeared a guest.  He was smiling to beat the band and he wanted to see the pastor.  Immediately, Danielle Walsh, our serve team leader, came into the kitchen to find me.  “Oh,” she said, “I thought I’d find you in here!  We have a guest who would like to visit with you.”  As I headed out, I must admit I was thinking that someone was here to borrow a little cash from the pastor.  But when I greeted this man, he reached into his wallet and handed me a card.  It read Bear Creek United Methodist Church and it looked like it had travelled a long way to get here!

As it turned out it did!  You see 21 years ago a group from our church, led by Rev. Roger Barr, went on a mission trip to Kenya.  And on that mission trip they met a young man named Titus Ringera!  Titus oversaw a Street Children Project in Meru, Kenya, near Kenya Methodist University.  While our group was there, Titas really connected with our group, and especially with Roger Barr’s daughter, Robin!  He said she took particular interest in the children he was serving in the Street Children Project. 

As our team left, Roger Barr gave him this card and said, “Hey, if you ever come over to the US, come by and look us up!  The address is on the card.”

Well, 21 years later, Titus has arrived!  He is married to his beautiful partner, Nancy, and they now live in Kent, Washington.  Titus was hoping to make it for worship, but he forgot about the time change.  But, who cares!  What a story and what a great message for us all.

21 years ago, Roger and Robin and our Bear Creek Mission team planted a seed in Titus’ heart, and 21 years later that seed has borne fruit!

May Bear Creek UMC and all of us learn to plant seeds in the hearts of whoever we meet, so that years later we and the world will be inspired by what we do.  It’s amazing what is unleashed into the world when we choose to put love first!

By the way, this month we are raising funds for UMCOR, United Methodist Committee On Relief.  Guess where Titus got the funds to start his Street ministry?   YOU GOT IT…UMCOR!!!!!!  We will continue to receive offerings for UMCOR through Easter!  How about clicking here  to donate?

Your friend and pastor, in awe of the way our God works to connect us through a church that knows no bounds, Brook

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Mar 15, 2024

Great story Brook… ministry is all about planting seeds that sometimes take a while to ripen for the harvest! Maybe he’ll be in church next Sunday! Blessed mission trips to Kenya!

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